You know you're good when...

Tim's big omission on Survivor

Let me freak out for a second about Tim’s big omission before I give some props to his supposed +1.

I’m in absolute awe that he didn’t bring up that +1 alliance to Maria. Something doesn’t make sense.

He goes on the journey with Q and Hunter. He volunteers Maria to be his +1 in the alliance and then he doesn’t think to tell her ahead of the merge!?

I cannot fathom how this happened. There are a couple failed attempts at explanations. Let’s look at ‘em.

Tim mentions that Siga is always together and it was hard to get one-on-one time. Ok, fine. Still not an excuse. You make it happen somehow.

He also says he wanted to see if Maria felt good about the people in the alliance before committing to them. WHAT?! You can work with people you don’t like! Who cares if she doesn’t like them? This isn’t a dating show, it’s a zero-sum game for a million dollars.

I can’t think of anything positive about Tim keeping this info from Maria. Was the whole tribe together and he was scrambling post-journey before the vote? What happened? I need answers!! I suspect that there is more to the story and we’ll get filled in during Tim’s exit press because there is certainly a gap here.

Tim (CBS)

Is it the right move for Maria? Saying yes? Absolutely. Options are good. Maria is thrilled to be in an alliance of six people. What’s not to like? Yet she – and moreso Tim – look silly when Q asks her about the alliance and she is clueless. For her, Tim isn’t a priority ally and she is still thrilled to be included. There is a key takeaway here: you know you’re in a good spot when people have you in their alliances that you don’t even know about.

This frequently happens on Big Brother where people will create alliances and when they’re figuring out who to include, they add in their mutual allies (and tell them later), or more specifically, they add in the people playing good enough games that they’re aligned with enough people to be obvious choices to add to any alliance. Other contestants have that person so highly ranked that it naturally gives them tons of options.

Maria is in this position. She was with the Siga women, Charlie is her number one, she and Tim have the parent connection, and for all we know her and Ben are starting a band too. When you’re in this good of a spot, the game naturally bends towards you. She has structures around her that mean that as the +1 alliance either excels or dies, she’s going to be good regardless.

Great place to be.

Player of the Episode: Tiff

  • Obvious choice to pick the team she picked in the challenge, but also, any group with Kenzie and Q was a must pick for her because of potential implications in a vote

  • Along with Q and Kenzie, they somehow convinced everyone that their three-out-of-seven safe players made up a majority to the point that they decided who went home. The math there doesn’t actually make sense since either group/tribe of five could try to win over two votes from any of the remaining 8 to make a majority

  • Even though the math doesn’t line up, at least for me, Tiff, who is in the Yanu power position, set her, Q, and Kenzie up for a couple of rounds of Siga and Yanu shooting at each other

Look Out For: Yanu. All of a sudden these three are in a power position between two tribes with fairly firm tribal lines. If this lasts for another round or two, one of Kenzie or Tiff is winning the game. Can’t see Q doing it.

In Danger: Tim. His supposed closest ally says he is her #3 and Q is very suspicious, like me, about why Maria didn’t know about the alliance.

Until Next Time,

Kevin 🐍

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